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Made a place to output easily

I created this blog since I had too much free time on my hands during Golden Week (early-May holiday season in Japan) and I had been feeling more and more that I need to increase my output. I’m planning to write tech related stuff that I find interesting in everyday development in both work and pastime. Since one of the purposes of this blog is to increase output, the focus is going to be on small stuff rather than big stories that would appear on a so-called “tech blog”. (So I decided to name this blog “tech musings”)


This blog is made with Hugo and AWS.

I’ve thought about creating my own blog many times so far, but every time I tried to I kept overthinking the design. So this time I decided to just focus on creating content, and I ended up using a static site generator.

Hugo is a great static site generator made with Go. At first, I was planning to use Gatsby.js or Nuxt.js and headless CMS. One of the benefits of using a headless CMS is that you can edit contents with a rich UI editor. However, I’m the only one who posts content on this blog and I don’t need a rich UI. On top of that, considering the portability of my content, I thought it would be best to write content with markdown and store it in a GitHub repo. Thus, I decided to use Hugo where I can build HTML from markdown docs.

I chose to use AWS to deploy without thinking that much because AWS is the most familiar platform for me, but I could have used Netlify.


I used CloudFront Functions for the first time to configure redirects and found it so useful.